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Pardo Night: A Night to Remember

          In September 17,  2016 there is a night event held every year called, " Pardo Night". As the name suggests, it was held in Bulacao, Pardo Gym. Based on my interviews, it had rained during that night causing the performance to be delayed for a little while, and the performance was moved from outside to inside. The performances composed of the Junior Highschool and the SHS.

          Many people went to watch despite of the rain. The performances were said to be full of life and full of energy. Each performer brimming with life, with movements full of grace, "simply, amazing" is what the masses said. 

          According to my interview, their theme for this month's Pardo Night was " The Circle Of Life" theme. Each of their dances or performances held relevance to the theme. As for the senior highschool department, many were amazed at their performance as well. The audience could clearly see that they worked hard just to perfect each step.

         This year's Pardo Night was an event full of life and riddled with stars and amazingness.

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