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Choosing The Right Path

               Children love to walk in their parents shoes, making sure they have strong souls. I am nothing but a weary child, following in the shadows of their foot steps. Constantly waiting to follow the borrowed paths they lead, but it is a path that shall lead me to victory. I am a child who solely depends on them, decisions and the like were never my jurisdiction. In the shadows of their footsteps, I have yet to wear their shoes, but the footsteps they left show just how deep their support for me is and how they raised me to stand at the top.

               I am the protagonist of my own life, my story hasn't been written yet, the curtains haven't drawn yet, I can still write my own story and start over, erasing the footsteps I followed and leave my own footsteps in the sand. From the day my life  had begun , they had already become someone I idolized. No matter what they did I would always be there to imitate, knowing in the future that I'll be successful. Yet depending on them too much was the first mistake I made. That I can't even face my own problems because they are the ones who face it read-on leaving me to sit like a couch potato, waiting for the time when the wall has been broken down. That was when it hit me, people don't always stand by our side, the world is cruel and dark and someday too will go leaving me behind, and when that time comes, I may become a shattered soul because I depended solely on them--my parents.

               To sum it all up, there are many paths to take in life, it all depends on the person on which road they will take. But its not that easy, we should start by being independent in order to stand and walk. And inorder for you not to be like me, who was spoon fed by my parents, follow your heart and your mind in taking paths you will go. Take the paths you love or you wish to go and never be afraid in making mistakes.

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